Attraction Marketing Formula
If you're reading this there's a good chance you accidentally became an entrepreneur. You fell in love with a product and now you want to attract others to you that will love it as much as you do. How? The answer lies in the attraction marketing formula.
What Is The Attraction Marketing Formula?
Unlike traditional marketing aka pestering your warm market family and friends, attraction marketing enables you to fully identify whom you want to attract, put your message in front of them, and build a closer relationship with them.
Wouldn't it feel better (less icky) to talk to people who already want what you have to sell? What if you could magnetize your dream client or business builder so they are asking you for information instead of you chasing them?
I know, I know it sounds too good to be true...but it's been proven by professional marketers that it's 100% achievable. I've tested out the entire system and have had great personal experience with magnetizing amazing people (ahem...you're reading this you saavy thing you)!
Magnetize More Ideal Clients
Step 1: Identify Your Ideal Client aka Ideal Avatar
Identifying your ideal client is THE most important first step.
Do you want to attract people that aren't serious about your offer? Or people that will tell you they're "all in" or people who are really just kicking your tires and trying to get free advice?
I'm guessing you said a resounding YES! (fingers crossed*)
You want to attract a go-getter, someone so serious about their goals, they know their "why," and they've really just been waiting for you to show up with your offer. Your offer speaks to their need. Your offer is the answer to their prayers and you are the perfect mentor for them. They are coachable, dependable, and have leadership qualities. There's no money objection because they actually see the value in what you are offering.
If the above sounds like a dream client, it's possible to not only attract another one of her but many. The more defined and clear your avatar (marketing term for ideal client), the greater possibility you'll magnetize them in. When you are attracting and magnetizing your soulmate clients you know you've fully mastered the attraction marketing formula.
"An avatar is a fictitious character that represents your ideal client"
Define Their Demographic
- Where does she live?
- Does she have kids?
- Is she married?
- What does she believe in: (Jesus, Buddha, The Law of Attraction, etc.)
- Where does she shop?
- Does she make purchases online?
- What does she read?
- What websites does she frequent?
- Who does she "Like" on Facebook?
What Problem Can You Solve?
- What is her goal this year?
- What keeps her up at night worried?
- What will she feel bad about this year if she doesn't accomplish it?
- What emotions would make her know, like, and trust you?
- What pain does she want to avoid (that your product could solve)?
- What are her deepest desires?
- What pain would she like to avoid?
Developing A Close Relationship with Your Ideal Client
Once you've identified your ideal client or your avatar, the next step is to invite her (or him) to have a closer relationship with you. In marketing terms we call it building an email list. Inviting someone onto your email list (keep reading if you don't have one, I've got you and will show you how) is like someone inviting you into their house for the first time. Once you get your ideal clients attention, invite them onto your email list, then you get the opportunity to build a closer relationship with them. Any type of service requires marketing and selling (no matter if you just call it sharing). And in order for someone to buy from you they have to know, like, and trust you.
Inviting someone onto your email list is like someone inviting you into their house for the first time. ~ Lisa Rooney
Build An Email Marketing List
Why build an email marketing list anyway? It's a rare occasion that someone will see your amazing Facebook post or Instagram or Snapchat...(fill in the blanks on the latest social media tool) and reach out and buy your product. Not to mention there are thousands and thousands of other sales professionals just like you. They are selling the exact same thing as you. What makes someone purchase from you?
You are the secret sauce of your business. All day long, it's you.
How to Communicate to Your Ideal Client
Your ideal client needs the chance to get to know you enough to trust you with their results. Whatever it is your selling. They need the opportunity to say "without a shadow of a doubt, you can get me there."
<The attraction marketing formula starts with you writing a series of emails that draws in or magnetizes your ideal to you and it can work on autopilot through your email marketing delivery system.
And since most of us are in a relationship marketing business, we need a tool like an email marketing list to develop a closer relationship.
Now you have to consider a couple of things:
If you don't currently have an email marketing service, Aweber has a free trial and is pretty user friendly for the non-techie person. I used Aweber for a period of time but recently switched to Convertkit. They also have a free trial period and I switched because I'm a visual person. I prefer to see the campaigns from a visual perspective on a chart or graph layout. Both are great services. Convertkit's demo video can be found here.
More on attraction marketing formula with thisfree guide
Build A Know, Like, and Trust Factor With Your Ideal Client
You might wonder (online and offline) how do I create more trust with potential clients? It's easy. Let me ask you a question:
What would make you trust someone enough to buy from them?
If I were to answer that same question, I would say something like:
- If you were consistent at your message
- If you had the results (or were getting the results) I wanted
- If you did exactly what you said you would
- If you didn't push me to a decision (which would make me feel anxious), but you educated me in a way that I understood the benefits of what you offered
- If you asked the right clarifying questions to me and understood why it is I was looking for a solution to a problem
- If you understood my problem fully
- If you spoke to my pain points and gave me that "I understand your pain" feeling.
Who Am I to Be An Expert?
One thing that will help your relationship with your ideal client is to continue offering them value and life changing advice.
You might feel "who am I to be an expert?"
It's common that entrepreneurs struggle with this insecurity however, you have to consider that you can become an expert at a topic just by reading 3 books on the subject. "According to a study by a publishing firm called The Jenkins Group, 42% of adults never even read one book after graduating college! If you read three books on a topic, apply what you have learned, summarize your findings, and teach your new knowledge to others (by writing or speaking), you will know more about that topic than more than 99% of the population, classifying you as a true expert."​ (1)
​By using your email marketing autoresponder, maintaining a relationship just became easy for 1:many people you'll acquire on your list.   Autoresponders allow you to write your message once. Write it like you would to your ideal client. Then send it as an automated sequence to the many people that opt in for your amazing content.​
Trust Must Be Created Before A Sale Can Ever Happen

Crafting the Perfect Lead Magnet
Now that you've gotten the attention of your ideal client by way of advertising or posting on social media you need them to invite you to their house. In other words, you need them to opt in to your newsletter (your email marketing list).
Offering a lead magnet​ or a freebie that is related to what you're selling is the next step.
If you're not sure what to offer for a lead magnet not to worry, there's a ton of options that allow you to show off your skills, offer massive value, and wow your new ideal.
Here's some ideas suggested by this post from Entrepreneur.com
- A cheat sheet of tips, lists, or worksheets that will help solve their main problem
- A template (people love if something is already done for them).
- Videos, tutorials
- Workbooks
- Swipe files and tool kits
Magnetic, Sexy Lead Magnet
No matter what you decide to offer, make sure it's epic; irresistible actually.
This is your first impression to your ideal client. You want to use the attraction marketing formula to not just magnetize your ideal client but to wow them.
Let me ask you a question, if you invited me to your house for the first time would you clean it ​for the best presentation? Emailing me is the same thing.
You've got one chance to make a first impression.
If my overall impression is that you are trying to bombard me with high-pressured selling then it's obvious you're not genuinely trying to build a relationship with me, understand my pain point, and solve it.
Don't go for the quick sale and break up a new relationship.
But now that we are speaking of selling, let's get into the appropriate way next...
Market to Your List
There is a fine art with selling and marketing to your list.
Let's say with some implementation of the above steps, your list is now filled with your ideal clients.
You've attracted hundreds, maybe even thousands of your ideal client onto your email marketing list. How you treat them will definitely make or break your business.
Here's some things to avoid so you don't lose the subscribers you spent time and money to acquire:
Avoid Alienating Your Ideal Client
- Always sell
- Only email them when you want to sell them something
- Halfheartedly throw an email together
- Spam people (breaks trust)
- Sell or share the names on your email list to a vendor (breaks trust big time).
- Ask for the sale too soon
- Never talk to them again if they say "no" to your offers
Impress Your List
On the contrary, there's some things you really want to do to impress your list of ideals:
- Craft emails that feel personal and heartfelt
- Email on a regular basis
- Provide epic, life-changing content and advice
- Give value, value, value...the money will follow
- Treat them like they are your tribe
- Create ways they have access to you (like through FB groups or a private group)
- Speak in a way that relates to them. Make them say "me too."
- Address their pain points and deepest desires in your messaging

Creating A Residual Stream of Leads and Sales
Creating a fully functional marketing funnel is a lot of work but if it created a steady stream of leads and sales for life, would you think it was worth it?
Right now your marketing might be in your warm market. It might be only 1:1 conversations.
But the potential exists to have 1:many conversations daily building stronger relationships and creating a steady stream of your ideal clients.
The Attraction Marketing Formula Big Takeaway
By setting up an automated sales funnel, your business could run on autopilot.
No more searching for the next lead or having your warm market turn down your offer. No more hearing so many "no's" or objections.
Your automated system can filter your prospects for you so the time you do actually spend talking to a prospect is a highly qualified sale.​
Resources Mentioned
Email Autoresponders: Aweber or Convertkit
Thank you so much for reading this post. I know first hand that the attraction marketing formula works because it's the very thing that drew you into this post. Please share this with someone you know could benefit from it. I'd love for you to help me get my message out!
I've used the attraction marketing formula in my own business for the past 3 years and have attracted such quality partners. Let me know how your implementation goes.
Always in your corner,
Online Success Coach, Professional Network Marketer
Author of Attract Prospects to You
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